Miles’ testimony

I was first convicted of sin in junior church at the age of seven. It was at this time that I went through the motions with others in the class and made a decision which was soon forgotten. Years later, while in college, I heard a sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:17 and realized that there really was no change in my life and I wasn’t saved. The Lord convicted my heart and I repented of my sin and trusted Christ as my Savior.

A few years later, I moved to Branson West, Missouri, and joined Talking Rock Road Baptist Church. At this church I began to grow in the Lord. I served in various capacities from Sunday school teacher to junior church leader. I also helped launch Midwest Seedline, a local church helps ministry of Bearing Precious Seed in Milford, Ohio. God had placed me in the path of many missionaries in need of Scripture in the languages of the people they served. When I saw this need, I talked with my pastor, and Midwest Seedline was born. Shortly after beginning this ministry, the Lord used a mission’s conference at Talking Rock Road Baptist Church to tug at my hearty and call me and my wife to full time missions.

Joanna’s testimony

I grew up in a Christian home and went to church faithfully. I made several professions of faith as a child, but did not really understand salvation. On summer break, my sophomore year in college, I went on a mission’s trip to Mexico. After hearing other people’s testimonies of salvation, I realized I needed to be saved. I told my mom and she went through the plan of salvation with me. Then, I prayed and accepted the Lord as my Savior.

I was blessed to be able to attend a Christian college, where I was under sound Biblical teaching and was able to grow spiritually. After I graduated college, I returned home where my dad, Delbert Davis, pastors a church in the Ozarks. This is where I met my husband. Even as God was working in my heart, He was also working in my husband’s heart, drawing him to missions.

Miles & Joanna Wallis

Midwest Seedline - Wallis Family

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